Saturday, May 18, 2024

Raleigh Rally

Saturday, May 11, 2024
Each week I send out this literary creation to several hundred people. The last one bounced back in three cases “due to spam content in the message.” Examining what I wrote, I can only guess that “bialy” conveys an erotic message outside my experience.
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There was plenty of stimulation on hand tonight, but it was hardly erotic. The Rangers were playing the fourth game of the second round of the National Hockey League playoffs, leading 3-0, needing one more victory. Needless to say, I parked in front of the television set for the evening. Actually, I wasn’t parked directly in front of the television all the time. I spent an hour on my exercise bicycle which will allow me to eat ice cream later. And we lost.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
This report tells you almost everything you might want to know about the US rental market. 

Percent of renters never married — 30% vs. 25% of US adults; percent of rental households with children under 18 — 33% vs. 36% of all households; percent of rental households with a cat — 32% vs. 22% of all households. 

Related data show another reason for me to stay out of Texas. Dallas, Austin and San Antonio offer the highest percentage of dog-friendly rentals among all major cities.
It’s not that I don’t like dogs, I just don’t like them enough to live with them.
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Mother‘s Day dinner at an Indian restaurant was our housemother’s preference. aRoqa, 206 Ninth Avenue, has always been a good choice. And the best things that it has to offer are “Taste Plates,” medium-sized, higher priced and not typical of an Indian menu.

We had Corn Paddu, corn and rice fritters with coconut kaffir lime chutney ($17); Vegetable Sweet Potato Cutlets, minced vegetables with sweet potato in a panko crust ($18); Prawn Cutlets, chopped prawns fried in a panko crust ($21); Lamb Seekh Kebab, two skewers of coarsely ground lamb ($23). Everything was very good, as expected. Reservations needed except at odd hours.

Monday, May 13, 2024
I have kept quiet for a few weeks about an exciting discovery in the critical field of ice cream. Fairway Market, 2424 Broadway, has started carrying ice cream from Tillamook Dairy, an Oregon outfit. Actually, it appeared for a week then disappeared for a week which made me think it had been a failed test. Now, it’s back and I hope to stay.

It’s sold in 1-1/2 quart tubs, with the website listing 30 flavors, although Fairway carries only a few. So far, we have had the peach and strawberry flavors, both excellent examples. It claims to be made with extra cream compared to others and that seems to be true to the taste. Significant factoid, $6.99 for the equivalent of three pints.
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Here are two ranked lists. If I didn’t know what they are, I wouldn’t know what they are. Any guesses?

1.    Izael / Kaeli

2.    Chosen / Alitzel

3.    Eiden / Emryn

4.    Cassian / Adhara

5.    Kyren / Azari


Hint – Boys on the left, girls on the right.

(Come back later.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Terrific Tom and I went to a panel discussion on "Mario Cuomo -- The Life, Legacy, and Presidential Run That Never Happened." Participants were Cuomo's former press secretary, his Director of State Operations and two journalists. Tom and I were both particularly interested in the never-was presidential run. While the group offered a consensus that Cuomo was so concerned about state fiscal affairs that he was unwilling to enter the presidential race, we remained unconvinced. Two of the panelists gave some relevant information that was new to us. Cuomo, they said, believed himself to be poorly prepared in issues of foreign policy and international affairs, and his ego would not allow him to be potentially embarrassed in the matters. Our skepticism diminished somewhat, but not entirely.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 
This headline had almost a miraculous effect on me, taking decades off my life, restoring me to my graduate school days.  "17% of Voters Blame Biden for the End of Roe"
I wrote a paper on American voting behavior, based on the most authoritative public opinion survey at the time. The findings were on a deck of 2,000 punch cards, held by my professor, that I sorted by machine every which way. I learned that 27% of the American voting public knew absolutely nothing about our politics in response to a series of questions in the survey. The good news seems to be that the number is now down to 17%.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
The eyes of Western Civilization turn to Raleigh, North Carolina, tonight where Game 6, Round 2 of the National Hockey League playoffs between the New York Rangers and the Carolina Hurricanes will be played. Let thy will be done.
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"Court papers show Sen. Bob Menendez may testify his wife kept him in the dark, unaware of any crimes"
Who said chivalry is dead?

Friday, May 17, 2024
If you are a hockey fan, you don't need me to tell you what happened last night. If you are not a hockey fan, you are probably unable to understand what happened last night.

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You know about Liam and Olivia and Noah and Emma, the most popular baby names of 2023 according to the Social Security Administration. The group above, however, are the names moving fastest up the list from the year before, believe it or not.



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