Saturday, February 16, 2019

Holidays and Birthdays

Monday, February 11, 2019
A column in Sunday's New York Times offers a passionate defense of Israel against the "progressives" who are now succumbing to the rhetoric of the boycott, divest, sanction (BDS) movement.

While in many respects I am as progressive as those folks referenced, I oppose BDS, consider myself a Zionist and have visited Israel three times in the last 5 years.  On the other hand, I strongly oppose many of the signature policies of the present Israeli regime.
It boils down to this -- before June 1967, no Jews lived on the West Bank (with the possible exception of a vestigial remnant in the Old City of Jerusalem, under the control of Jordan); today, more than 400,000 Jews are settled in communities that provide reasonably-priced, conveniently-located housing outside Israel's recognized borders.  This influx is not a recent phenomenon.  While it started slowly after the Six Day War, it gained momentum under both left wing and right wing governments, including those of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

Some of these settlers are fanatics who provoke and abuse their Arab neighbors (see, but many others simply accepted a good deal in the Israeli real estate market that has been hot for years.  Whatever their motive, their occupancy may violate international law and is an ongoing provocation to the 2.8 million entrenched Arabs, noted for making highly-impulsive bad choices.  I can't imagine a deal that even rational, honest, responsible Palestinians might accept under these circumstances.  Ignoring this is the major cause of the deepening divide between the Israeli government and those of us otherwise inclined to support it.
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Today's headline: "Trump to Sign Executive Order Promoting Artificial Intelligence"  This is necessitated by the absence of the real thing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Today was the happy confluence of Lincoln's Birthday and the Chinese New Year, the year of the pig.  To celebrate, a plenary session of the Boyz Club was held at Shanghai Asian Cuisine, 14A Elizabeth Street.  It's a sister to Shanghai 21, 21 Mott Street, f/k/a Shanghai Asian Manor, which I found to have consistently the best scallion pancakes and cold sesame noodles in the Western Hemisphere. 

We began with those items, followed by soup dumplings, tangerine beef, Shanghai lo mein (thicker-than-usual noodles) with shrimp and mixed meat, and sliced chicken with eggplant.  It was a privilege to pay $20 each for this outstanding lunch.  My only regret was the bad weather, snow and sleet, that kept the celebratory dragons off the streets instead of welcoming the new year.
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The following is a public service announcement:
Proceed immediately to the 99 favorite chocolate recipes of The New York Times

Wednesday,  February 13, 2019
Columnist Frank Bruni writes: "The rapidly growing field of Democratic candidates is packed with impressive talent.  But right now it’s also lousy with obsequiousness."
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Hearing loss usually begins with weakened ability to hear women's voices.

So, it may be a miracle that so many Republican legislators have been able to hear the anti-Semitic comments of Ilhan Omar, Congresswoman from Minnesota, loud and clear while unable to recognize the spoken endorsement of domestic Nazi conduct at Charlottesville, Virginia by the president.  Did it take a trip to Lourdes to accomplish this? 
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I don't claim to have the inside dope on many things, but I have gotten wind of the forthcoming deal between Congress and the president to avoid another shutdown of the US government.  The Bar Mitzvah of Jared Kushner's older son in 2027 will be paid for by Mexico., that's the band, that's the choice of beef or salmon, that's the flowers, that's the Viennese table, that's the photo booth, that's the imprinted yarmulkes, nothing left to chance.  Mazel tov!

Thursday,  February 14, 2019
My birthday is upcoming and I received this marvelous gift, handmade with loving care by my loveliest daughter-in-law, on Valentine's Day.  It may be a few days early, but it is exactly what is required to help me through the aging process.   
Clearly, her Harvard education has not been wasted.  
Friday, February 15, 2019
Says the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent, a federal employee paid by you (well, not you Brodie, you're an Englishman) to the two women in the grocery store in Havre, Montana: "Ma'am, the reason I asked you for your ID is because I came in here and I saw that you guys are speaking Spanish, which is very unheard of up here."  

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