Saturday, March 18, 2023

Full Stomach, Empty Mind

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Thomas Massie, Republican member of the House of Representatives, argues that world leaders pushing climate policy “want a lower quality of life” for us red-blooded (or is it true blue Americans?).


We can instead look to him for our paradigm.  "He lives in an off-the-grid home he built himself, using timbers cut and rock quarried from his family cattle farm.  He pipes in water from a nearby pond, and powers the home with solar panels and a battery from a wrecked Tesla that he salvaged and retrofitted."  I imagine that he would like us to follow in his footsteps, living high on the hog, presumably one that we butchered ourselves.

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If you are looking for a more conventional living arrangement, you will pay for the privilege, at least around here.  The latest local apartment rental data are eye opening.


The average Manhattan monthly rent is $5,186.  More useful is the median, $4,095, still an awful lot.  And a parking spot in a garage?  Fuhgeddaboudit.


Monday, March 13, 2023



“United States is alone among peer nations in the number of child firearm deaths. In no other similarly large or wealthy country are firearm deaths in the top 4 causes of mortality let alone the number 1 cause of death among children.”


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

In what is becoming a ritual, I met Gentleman Jerry at Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant, 209 West 38th Street, for dinner before a New York Rangers game at Madison Square Garden.  I ordered a roast beef wrap, the rarest Kosher roast beef that I have ever seen, wrapped with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes and what they claimed was horseradish sauce, but was no more then plain mayonnaise ($19.99).  It was the weak link; aioli or real horseradish mayonnaise would have made for a great sandwich, rather than the Mike Pence of dressings.  A very good potato knish was included in the price, which we shared.


With less than 20% of the regular hockey season remaining, teams are contending for position in the playoffs and trying to bring their skills to a peak.  The Rangers were up to the challenge and I went to bed happy.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

“Everything about Wellesley College bespeaks its commitment to women, and to providing them with an unequaled educational experience that honors and cultivates not only what is best about each of them, and their own potential, but about what women offer our world.”  These confident words come from the Wellesley College website.


Of course, it seems that there are women and there are women.  Wellesley accepts trans women as students and allows students who become trans men to remain enrolled, a slippery slope.  However, it refuses admission to trans men.  A non-binding student referendum rejected that policy yesterday, in spite of the opposition of the college’s president.


I believe in the value of gender segregated education as a choice in high school and college.  Boys and young men will have less reason to act up and act out.  Girls and young women will have less reason to act “ladylike,” suppressing ability for the sake of appearance.


While I wish that, in the words of Marlo Thomas, we were all Free to Be You and Me, many (most?) American children are still socialized and acculturated to classic gender roles and enter classrooms with those burdens.  An educational institution that attempts to deal with that reality should be able to set reasonable standards for admission.  Wie man bettet, so man liegt.  Call yourself a woman, live as a woman; call yourself a man, live as a man.

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A situation of much broader consequence arose at another school.  Students made a deepfake (a form of artificial intelligence creating sight and sound of a fake event) of a school principal on a racist rant.  It produced fear and confusion in the community.


These machinations are already used broadly in the entertainment industry, but one doesn't usually approach public affairs expecting that sort of artifice and deception.  Can you ever get the Internet toothpaste back into the Internet tube?

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The Boyz Club gathered on the Ides of March at Shanghai Asian Cuisine, 14A Elizabeth Street.  This joint does some ordinary things exceptionally well — soup buns, scallion pancakes and cold sesame noodles.  Of course, starting with those items doesn’t leave much room for other dishes, but, after two orders each of soup buns ($8.25 for 6), scallion pancakes ($5.75) and cold sesame noodles ($7.50), the six of us soldiered on through diced chicken in hoisin sauce ($17), tangerine beef ($21.25), beef lo mein ($12.25) and vegetable fried rice ($11).  It was an appropriate sendoff for Julius Caesar.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Could Minnesota Republican State Senator Steve Drazkowski have the Boyz Club in mind when he voted against free meals in public schools, asserting that "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry"?


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