Friday, October 11, 2024

Ever Again

Saturday, October 5, 2024 
Which country leads the world in innovation, asks The Economist. Its answer is Switzerland, followed by Sweden, United States, Singapore and Great Britain. 

If this result surprises you as it did me, note that the article says it “adopts a broad definition of innovation.” I’m not sure how I would define innovation — number of patents, adoption of technology, improvements in public services? Of course, the issue always remains “To what end?” Consider Henry David Thoreau’s comment: “We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate.”

Sunday, October 6, 2024
The Washington Post has published an important investigation into Hamas’s preparations for the October 7th attack on Israel.

It helps one understand the initial success of the invasion and the challenge of the Israeli response. It found that, instead of relying on outside sources, much of the weaponry was developed in Gaza in a vast underground network that seemed to be vastly underestimated by the IDF and outside observers generally. “Costing, at minimum, hundreds of millions of dollars — money that Hamas diverted from humanitarian and economic development projects intended to improve the lives of ordinary Gazans — the tunnel system by Oct. 7 extended more than 300 miles, longer than the New York City subway, or about the distance from Tel Aviv to southern Turkey.”

An ugly consequence of this accomplishment is the vast destruction of lives and property as Israel sought to eliminate this critical element of the Hamas war effort.
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As a renter, your feelings about your local real estate market are probably determined by your position -- well entrenched vs. poised to change. What's considered a hot market may be too scalding for many.    

If God rivals or exceeds Mammon in making your life choices, regard this. "The Dallas-Fort Worth region is home to more than 6,500 houses of worship, the highest concentration in the top 10 largest urban regions in the country, according to the 2020 U.S. religion census. Four of the 20 largest churches in the country are in the area."

Monday, October 7, 2024
Today is another day that will live in infamy. I cannot imagine an appropriate way to commemorate this day in the future. However, David Prager makes a valuable contribution. 
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How can you ignore a place called Handsome Rice, 133 East 31st Street, especially when it is around the corner from one of the multitude of doctors now on my payroll? It’s a tiny storefront with four two-tops on the sidewalk and a shed at the curb. It serves Korean comfort food and hamburgers.

I ordered bulgogi, a large portion of tasty shredded, marinated beef ribeye over purple rice (that’s where the handsome comes in) ($15).

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Another day, another doctor. This time it’s for mo’ MOHS, an attack on an ugly patch of skin on my forehead.
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To begin the healing process, I had lunch with Terrific Tom at The Corner, 698 Ninth Avenue, my second visit in a few weeks, the memory of a very good lunch still fresh in my mind. Of course, another $20 off coupon helps my appetite.

We dug in and had an excellent meal, starting with Peking duck egg rolls ($14 for 2 pieces) and thin, crispy scallion pancakes ($8). Then, we turned to main courses, large portions of walnut shrimp, “Crispy giant prawns are quick-fried and tossed in our grand marnier sauce” ($28), and Sizzling Black Pepper Filet Mignon, stir-fried with mushrooms and onions ($26). The flavors nicely contrasted, both delicious. 

On each occasion, The Corner had very little business at lunchtime. It is located right in the Theater District and maybe it has a bustling dinner business to keep its doors open. I can only hope.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Last week, Marjorie Taylor Greene, congressional representative from Georgia, created a new scientific discipline, ethnopolitical meteorology. “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”
Since then, it has been bantered about as to who these hurricane propagators are. We Jews are the #1 candidates, always a reasonable deduction. However, I am dubious. We are just too busy exercising international political and economic power to deal with the weather.

Thursday, October 10, 2024
This headline caught my eye. "TD Bank Pleads Guilty and Pays $3 Billion to Settle Money-Laundering Case." I am awed by a business having $3 billion lying around to be able to pay such an enormous fine. Or, do they have to borrow money from the Rothschilds?
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Quote of the week.
Thordur O. Thordarson, the Reykjavik museum’s chief operating officer: “We are a penis museum, yes, but we are a serious penis museum.”

Friday, October 11, 2024
Kamala Harris calls for us “to turn the page,” a convenient way to distance herself from Presidents Biden and Trump, the former viewed as a burden, the latter as an obstacle. I wish it were that easy. I recoiled at this print headline, slightly different on-line. “A Columbia Student Group Endorses Hamas and Oct. 7”

I believe that this group, at least, is so deeply rooted in historic prejudice that a future of reconciliation and peace is unattainable. 5785, please prove me wrong!
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After that recent episode with the bacon grease at Temple Israel of Natick, I am trying to stay within the boundaries of my faith/heritage/religion/nationality/ethnicity/ancestry/belief system/tradition/tribe. Therefore, I am releasing this missive before sundown ushers in Tishrei 10. To play it safe, you might want to wait a day to read it.


  1. “We are a penis museum, yes, but we are a serious penis museum.”


  2. Anyone who quotes Thoreau is my kind of guyl He disliked the railroad because it doesnt offer any choices . You must follow the tracks.

    On another issue you mention the Rothschild . I am proud to say that one of my grand daughters married a Rothschild. He is a great kid and has beautiful children.
